Leadership course

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    • #13076 Reply
      Grant Newton


      If you’re keen to learn more about the outdoors, why not sign up for the leadership course on the weekend of April 6-8. It will be held at Brookfield Camp in Wainui and covers:

      Planning a trip
      Leadership skills
      Food & Shelter
      Communications in the mountains
      Search & Rescue
      Scenario mgmt (emergency situations).

      The cost is only $25 for members / $30 non members and covers food, accomodation, transport – the cheap price is due to a subsidy from the club’s coffers.

      This is normally run only every 2 years, so get in quick. Confirmed numbers are required by Wednesday March 28.

      If you can’t make it along on a Wednesday, give me a call or send me an e-mail to confirm your place. Payment by Wednesday April 4 please.


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