Lodge Promotions

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    • #13109 Reply
      Don Goodhue

      Last year we ran a very successful promotional program for the Lodge in conjunction with the Club Promotions Officer.

      I am looking for someone who may be able to help out with a similar program this year. It mainly involves distributing and restocking promotional brochures to outdoor shops in Wellington, and if you are at the mountain, at a few spots up there.

      Would only involve visiting the Wellington outlets every couple of weeks.

      If you cannot help out in Wellington, but can take brochures to the mountain, let me know.

      Drop me a line if you can help.

    • #17009 Reply

      hi Don

      Im willing to cover Bivouac but not the other shops at the other end of town – are there other vounteers out there??

      It would be a good idea if the person who volunteered to do the other shops also restocked shops with the general club brochure as well

      Stuart Douce has volunteered to be Promotions Officer this year – great, but think he works out in the Hutt so probably wont be able to help out with putting stuff in shops etc


    • #17010 Reply

      Although Stuart could cover the shop(s) out in Petone/Hutt (Katmandu, Living Simply, R&R)?

    • #17020 Reply
      Ailsa Taylor

      Hi Don,

      I work in the central city, so I could cover the other stores.


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