matt’s leaving curry

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    • #11776 Reply
      Matt Pinkerton

      Please join me for a Departure Curry this Thursday. Celebrations and
      consolations for my leaving NZ will be rolled into one big garlic nan-bread to be consumed with as much BYO as you can B.

      All welcome – invite anyone you know.

      The place: Indian Rendezvous (“Wellington’s first English curry
      restaurant”). Courtenay Place, between Molly Malones and the
      building site, next to Expressoholik. Eating at 7.30 pm.

      Pre-prandials: Warming-up drinks at Molly Malones from 6.30-7.30 pm.

      Please let me know if you’re coming and how many people you will
      be bringing so I can give the restaurant numbers – by email or at
      the WTMC club night this Wed night (8pm onwards).


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