Molesworth management plan

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      As posted by Simon Kennett on the MTB website forum:

      Review of Molesworth Management Plan

      The management plan for Molesworth Station is under review and public submissions have been called for. The 1992- 1997 plan has not been reviewed for the past 10 years (it was rolled over in 1997 for a further 5 years).
      The station is owned by the Crown and managed by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) by way of a lease. It covers 180,000 hectares and is managed as a cattle run. The Molesworth is bounded by the Clarence river on three sides : Rainbow/Hamner road in the west, Jollies/Jacks pass in the south and Clarence river on the east. (get your map out if you are lost.) The Acheron river/Molesworth road runs through the middle of Molesworth.
      Access to Molesworth is currently limited despite it being Crown land. Public access is generally confined to the Molesworth road at certain times of the year. The section of the Rainbow/Hamner road that is on Molesworth is unrestricted but is gated on the Rainbow station. Rafting on the Clarence river also takes place.
      The review of the plan has specifically invited comment on ??ways to enhance public access??.

      Molesworth has great potential for mountainbiking and submissions are needed now! Support the case for roads and tracks to be made available for mountainbiking. Some points to consider in your submission.

      ?h The current Management Plan classifies the bicycle as a vehicle along with cars, 4WDs and motorcycles. It should be recognised that as non-motorised vehicles, bicycles are significantly different to motorised vehicles. The environmental impact of bicycles is substantially less than motorised vehicles in terms of their speed, weight, noise and fire risk. The Management Plan should reflect this by classifying non-motorised bicycles separately from motorised vehicles.

      ?h Specified tracks should be made available for mountainbiking ?V a couple of suggestions are:
      Rainbow road to Molesworth road via Tarndale
      Molesworth road to Lake McRae

      ?h Motorised transport should be restricted to the roads to avoid damage to tracks, ecologically sensitive areas and to reduce the conflict with walkers, bikers and horses.
      ?h Camping spots should be established on the farm to enable day walking/biking trips to be carried out on specified tracks or poled routes.
      ?h Access should be available for a longer time of the year but numbers limits should be set.
      ?h Areas identified in Protected Natural Area reports should be formally protected

      Submissions should be sent to the address below before 3rd August

      Molesworth Station Management Plan Review
      Bridgeport Group
      PO Box 12468

      If you want the full summary document to make comments from email

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