NEW MEMBERS February 13

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    • #13215 Reply
      Stuart Douce

      Info night for new members is Wednesday 13th of February. Tell your friends, flatmates and workmates to come along and check out the club. (free entry to everyone),
      This year we will use the trade fair approach with several stands and displays before the usual slides and talks. Our Special guest star is Jolly Jeff who has promised not to wear a pack this year.
      The night is being promoted on 2 radio stations, in 100 stagecoach buses,in local newspapers and on posters around the city.
      If you wanna help out (on the door, putting up displays, making up infopacks, short talk, show slides, man (or person), a display stand, clean up afterwards etc), please see me asap.
      Can you bring a kayak/tent/inflatable whale along to display? please see me asap.
      Wanna put up an advertising poster at your workplace? collect one from the front desk (choice of 5 colours),
      Its your turn to put something into the club! dont delay or someone else will get your space…
      Stuart Douce

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