New Product Development.

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    • #11845 Reply
      Steve Reese

      Dear club members,

      Hi, my name is Steve Reese. Earlier on in the year members of your club helped me out with my major design project regarding “Human Waste Disposal in the backcountry”, by completing questionnaires developed to aid in the design of a product that would deal with this problem. This was much appreciated.

      I have completed the majority of the project, and have produced a final prototype of the “Portable Human Waste Disposal Unit”. If any members are interested, I would like to show you the final product, and possibly get some feedback on it from you. Again this would be much appreciated.

      If you are interested in viewing the final product, please e-mail me so we can organise a suitable time to do this. Once again this would be appreciated greatly. The sooner we can organise this the better, as my final deadline is looming. AAAHHH!!!

      On a final note, I would like to thank the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club for their help during the course of my project.


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