Kia ora koutou.
The NZAC Wellington Section run a Summer Rock climbing course, which starts in two weeks. There’s one spot left and this is a real opportunity to take your sport lead climbing from climbing gym to climbing autonomously outdoors, with zero skills needed to join.
The course covers focuses mostly on the safety aspects of climbing (rather than a chance to show off your gym climbing skills!), including climbing movement, top-rope belaying, sport lead belaying and climbing, how to fall safely, how to build and strip the anchors at the top, how to abseil safely and similar.
You’ll learn in Fergs one night a week for 6 weeks, and with three weekend trips away to different crags around North Island.
You will need to join the NZAC to take the course.
Let me know VERY SOON if you’re keen, and I’ll put you in touch with the right people;