Order your WTMC Journal now
This year the WTMC journal will be published online for everyone to enjoy, with the benefits of active links to further photos and information. But we know it’s also nice to have a hard copy for your bookshelf, to send to your grandma for Christmas or to leave as wet weather reading material in the most inaccessible hut you tramp to next year!
To order your hard copy please:
Email journal@wtmc.org.nz with the number of journals you require and whether you wish to collect them from club night or have them posted. Include your address if you require them to be posted.
Pay $20 per journal (or $22 is you want the journal posted) to the club bank account.
Account name: Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club Inc
Bank: Kiwibank
Account number: 38-9017-0330533-00
Use ‘your name – journal – 2018’ as a reference
Deadline for orders is 30th November 2018