Orongaronga Valley

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    • #13172 Reply
      Doug Tereu

      I was just wondering if anyone knows of any huts in the Orongorongo area. I go on weekend trips to a hut every 3 months with some friends and stay in a private hut, but for the number of people for our next weekend excursion we need another hut. Does anyone know if there are any DOC huts in the Orongorongo Valley area?



    • #17061 Reply
      Andrew McLellan


      There are no open to the public DoC huts in Orongorongos – I think there are two that you can book much in the same way as private huts. Try DoC Catchpool Visitors Centre 564 8551.

      Alternatively WTMC has a club hut in the Orongorongos (Paua Hut) which you may be able to use. Let me know if you’re interested and I can put you in touch with the right person.


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