Outdoor lovers get Budget boost

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      Shane (,

      A clipping from the NZ Herald Web site.
      Hopefully this will provide some more security for those back country huts we all know and love….
      DOC also has a ministerial release at:

      Outdoor lovers get Budget boost
      Trampers and outdoor enthusiasts were smiling yesterday after the announcement of a big cash injection for tracks, huts and facilities on Department of Conservation land.
      Conservation Minister Sandra Lee said the spend-up of $349 million over the next 10 years on outdoor recreational facilities was the biggest provided by a Government.
      But the spending will be staggered over several years.
      DoC will not see the first of the extra operating allocation until 2005/06. The figure then rises $3m a year until 2011/12 when it will be $21m.
      The department gets $3m cash to replace facilities in this financial year with increases each year until 2007/08 when it leaps to $42.9m.
      DoC is responsible for more than 1000 back-country huts, 12,500km of tracks, 14,000 bridges, boardwalks and other structures, 1570 toilets, 570 carparks and more than 300 campsites.
      Auckland Tramping Club president Sue Webb said many trampers were hopeful at least some of the money would go to remote areas rather than the more well-travelled tourist tracks such as the Milford.
      “A lot of New Zealanders really appreciate the back-country. A lot of those huts are a part of our national heritage and it would really be a shame if we let them just fall apart.”
      Federated Mountain Clubs president David Round agreed.
      “Weve been arguing for years that the great walks get a lot of money and wed like to see more of it go to the back-country,” he said.
      “Wed also like to see it kept simple – simple basic structures – and the money will go a lot further.”
      Ms Lee said that despite the increased funding, not every hut and track could be maintained over the long term.
      “The package increases DoCs maintenance budget and for the first time provides for annual depreciation of its recreational facilities.”

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