Peace Rally Sat 15 Feb

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    • #12117 Reply
      Andrea Shepherd

      Not sure about the etiquette of promoting this here, but an event that is not getting much media coverage is tomorrow’s Peace march (one of a series taking place around the globe), Sat 15 Feb. Details below, as well as the Guardian website that has info on demonstrations taking place internationally.,3604,894448,00.html

      SAT, 15 February – March and Rally for Peace in the Middle East – gather 12 noon at Glover Park (Ghuznee Street, between Cuba Street and Cumberland Place), free flowers and face painting; march through Cuba Mall, Manners Street, Willis Street, Lambton Quay, to Midland Park and rally with speakers: Lucy, youth activist; Keith Locke, Green MP; Emad Jabbar, esteemed Iraqi poet; and Edwina Hughes, Peace Movement Aotearoa; plus music and open mike. Part of the International Day of Action. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email >.

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