Ruapehu Summer Lodge

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    • #33845 Reply
      Miles D

      To all you potential Ruapehu Summer Lodge users.

      This year we are extending our ‘Open Lodge’ period, from just the two short weeks of Christmas/new Year to include the week or so after. So, the lodge will be open from Boxing day through to Thursday 16th January, a period of 22 days. This has come about after the success of last year, where we averaged 19 people per night over the nine day period.

      Not only have we lengthened out the period, we have also changed it from ‘Open Lodge’ to ‘Summer Lodge’. This is because we are changing it from having no bookings required, to operating it like a winter booking, apart from having to supply your own food.

      I had a great time looking after the lodge last year and put my hand up to trial the longer period this coming Christmas/New Year. I think I did a different walk every day last summer and still had walks I didn’t get to do. This year I hope to get a daily trip list going, where less experienced people can tag along with someone who knows where they are going; up to the summit of Ruapehu for example. Then of course there is the SkyWaka gondola to ride, with NZ’s highest restaurant waiting at the top. Others may use it as a base to do multiple car trips to central North island locations. The options are many!

      So, get online, book in a day or more, and join a group of punters enjoying the relaxed setting of a Ruapehu summer.

      See you up there


      PS Visit the WTMC Newsletter for some photos of past year’s Ruapehu Summer Lodge

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