Saturday MTN bike Ride

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    • #13362 Reply
      Keith Gerritsen

      This Saturday 19th October

      The Pylon Track / Rimutaka Incline.

      Leaving the Railway station platform 9 at 8.30 am.
      Transport via private cars. to rimutaka incline carpark.

      Ride to bottom of the Pylon track and then grunt up it and over to Featherston for Lunch.
      Latte and fish and chips are optional in featherston!
      Return via the Rimutaka Incline track to cars.
      Home to Wellington by 5.00 ish.

      If you want to come please call me on 972 5600 or 021 256 9577
      or email me at



    • #17146 Reply
      Keith Gerritsen

      Sorry everyone,

      I have rung the land owners for permisson to cross their land at the Kaitoke end and access is closed because of poison laying at the moment.

      The land owner also said that they are going to discourage access from now on.

      the ride will still go on but will be changed in route somehow.



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