Who: Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club Members who are also Youth Hostel Association NZ Members.
What: To inform YHA members who may not have heard the news of the impending closure of the iconic Opoutere Youth Hostel (north of Whangamata, Coromandel Peninsular).
Why: To seek support to keep the hostel open. If YHA members believe it is in the best interests of the Association, to retain the Opoutere Youth Hostel for future generations, they can vote to do so.
How: By attending the YHANZ AGM in person and voting for the Notice of Motion to defer the closure pending a review.
Where: Te Papa Museum, Wellington,
When: 9am, Saturday October 28 2017
Bring: Current YHA membership card.
Not a YHA member but want to support us: sign the petition at change.org- save opoutere yha
Want more info: facebook.com/saveopoutereyha/
or contact us: saveopoutereyha@gmail.com