South Ohau Hut – access

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    • #11820 Reply

      I am planning a trip to the South Ohau hut in the next couple of weeks and am looking for some recent information on access to the South Ohau Hut from the Sth Ohau shelter (which is not there now) – is access up the Ohau river or is there a marked track in the bushline? If access is up the river are there any difficulties with crossings?
      Jan Nye

    • #16171 Reply
      Andrew McLellan

      There is a marked track from the old shelter called Ozzie’s track – this track goes up to the forks of the North and South branch of the Ohau. When rejoining the river be sure to head up the correct branch.

      From the shelter site the track starts on your right (true left) just as you duck back into the bush after going thru the shelter clearing. The track is generally ok with some good benching in parts but there is one dodgy scramble across and down a small rock bluff. Not that pleasant in the dark. River is just about always quicker and pleasant on a warm day. If rivers up you may have to exit via Gable End or Waiopehu Ridges as the first part from Sth Ohau Hut down river requires constant travel in the river. Allow up to 4 hours easy pace for whole trip from roadend to hut.

      See Tararua Footprints book in your local tramping shop for more info.

      PS:Not sure if Ozzie’s track is shown on maps as I think it is an unofficial track.

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