Tararua Huts

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    • #12118 Reply
      Wayne Stevens

      Some more news about reduced capacity at some huts due to work being done…

      Also, a couple of items that the Huts Committee (DOC and WN tramping clubs) will be considering in a few weeks is the priority for replacement of huts in the WN area. If you have any views please let me know eg is South Ohau hut replacement a priority (now that it is closed due to safety concerns). Should the new 4 person hut that is planned to be built at Eder Biv accomodate more than 4 persons? Any views please let me know and we will consider these when we convey our club views to DoC on priorities for hut replacement


      Wairarapa Area
      Notice Issued: 14 February 2003
      Valid until: April 30 2003
      Important notice to visitors

      Reduced Capacity at Tutuwai Hut and Cow Creek Hut

      The Department of Conservation is building bridges at the following sites in the Tararuas:

      1. Tauherenikau Bridge (Approximately 20 minutes downstream from
      Tutuwai hut)

      2. Cow Creek Bridge (Adjacent to Cow Creek Hut)

      From mid-February to 30th April 2003 contractors involved in the construction of the bridges will be staying at Tutuwai Hut (Grid Reference S26, 055193 – 26 bunks) and Cow Creek Hut (Grid Reference S25 202447 – 6 bunks). This means there will be fewer bunk spaces available in the hut.

      Please take a tent or fly with you if you intend using the Tutuwai Hut or Cow Creek Hut during the above period. If the hut is full you are more than welcome to use the space outside the hut to pitch your tent or fly.

      For further information please contact:

      Mark Townsend
      Programme Manager
      Department of Conservation

      Ph 06 377 0700

    • #16357 Reply
      Grant Newton


      I believe that money would be better spent on other facilities than South Ohau hut. There are plenty of other good huts not to far away (eg Te Matawai) and being amongst the bush it will be sheltered from the worst of the elements. I suggest that DoC ensure there is a clear area for camping and just retain a dunny. After talking with DoC, I understand this hut has extremely low hut fee compliance.


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