Tauherenikau Swingbridge Closed

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    • #11954 Reply

      Article in Evening Post Sat 29 June:
      “Swing-bridge suffers damage
      The 60m-long Tauherenikau swing-bridge, on a main track in the southern Tararua forest park, has been closed due to flood damage.
      Warning signs were to be placed at the road ends into the park today [29/6]. The bridge is on a track about 30 minutes tramp below the Tutawai Hut.
      DoC staff will assess the damage next week.”

    • #16239 Reply

      The Cow Creek cableway (upper Waingawa River), is currently out of action as a large tree has taken out one end of the cable. Ask Allen Higgins about alternative ways to cross the river in high flow!

    • #16240 Reply
      Wayne (,

      Please be aware and pass on as necessary that recent heavy rains have led to damage and closure of two cable visitor structures in the eastern Tararua Ranges.
      The Swingbridge over the Tauherenikau River just south of Tutuwai Hut (NZMS S26 043 183), has one tower undermined by the river, and is now closed as it does not provide safe passage for trampers. The river must be forded instead, which should be approached with extreme caution. Access to Tutuwai Hut from Kaitoke Roadend should not be undertaken by inexperienced trampers.
      The Cableway at Cow Creek (NZMS S25 203 447), has sustained damage from a fallen tree and is no longer useable. Again, approach any river crossing with extreme caution.
      The Wairarapa Area Office (06 3770 700), will supply any further information on the state of these structures, and in the short term they are closed.
      Steve Sutton
      Technical Support Officer Recreation
      For Derrick Field, Wairarapa Area Manager
      And Allan Ross, Conservator

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