the Dusky Track

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    • #13458 Reply

      Hi there
      I was supposed to be leading a trip to this godforsaken place at Easter but my knee has made an executive decision and I can’t go. If anyone out would like to get double fly-buy points on their StaunchCard by leading this trip, please let Grant Newton know (you get triple points if it rains for the whole 8 days).

    • #17224 Reply

      Now THAT’S the kind of honest advertising I like to see! Except what do you mean IF it rains for the whole 8 days?! This is Fiordland we’re talking about here….

    • #17226 Reply

      Good point, Harry…Meant to subtitle it ‘ Are you hard enough?’.
      I understand Stuart Douce has taken up the challenge and will be leading a surprising large number of suckers into hell and out again.

    • #17229 Reply
      Allan Mac

      gawd, you lot have gone soft down there in Welly

      The Dusky Track is hardly hard tramping, and certainly not a hell trip.

      Have a great time, the Dusky is fantastic!

      Allan Mac…

    • #17231 Reply

      Yes, rumours are true. Another oversubscribed trip.

      But if you are keen (or even slightly intregued why people will pay good money to be so miserable) get in contact with me asap as numbers are definitly limited to the first 50 punters.

      We plan on starting on April 17th and surviving until we get to Te Anau on the 26th.

      The cost is airfare (mine was $218 return, but I booked it 3 years ago and had to stay a saturday night, bring my own sandwhiches and promise not to change my mind) plus approx $200 for transfers from/to Invergiggle.

      Harry has not signed up yet so it might not even rain.

      If anyone has a gortex jacket I can borrow can you let me know, I was going to wear two.

      Maria, whats the deal on bringing cookers on the plane again?


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