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      Twalk 2002
      25-26th May
      TWALK stands for Twenty-four hour Walk, and is an event similar to a rogaine. It involves large amounts of orienteering, eating, partying and running around hills in the middle of the night. It is a teams event for the completely social to the ultra competitive. Organised by the Canterbury University Tramping Club, TWALK is one of NZs longest-running endurance events, held annually for over 30 years.
      To begin with your team will be picked up from the University of Canterbury Students Association (UCSA), car-park at 8:00am Saturday morning. You will then be delivered by bus to a mystery location somewhere in the hills. Maps will be distributed along with cryptic clues as to where the checkpoints are for the first section. Once you have navigated the first section successfully you should have arrived at the Hash House where unlimited food, partying and general mayhem happens for the rest of the twenty-four hours. Your team is welcome to stay and join the party for as long as required (some people have been known to only do section one), or you can embark on the next section.
      Each section is approximately 15-20km long and returns to the hash house. Typically these take 4-6hrs and may cover a variety of terrain, including native bush, rolling farmland, limestone country, rivers and occasionally snow.
      This continues for the full twenty-four hours, the aim being to find as many checkpoints as possible. At the end of the 24hrs a brief prize giving will be held after which you will be returned to the UCSA car-park by approximately 3:30pm Sunday afternoon.
      As an incomparable test of your endurance, skills, navigation and ability to have fun, TWALK is an event not to be missed.
      Click here to download the entry form (Microsoft Word document),
      For further information contact:
      or phone Chris Forne on 351 5339.

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