Website updates

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      Fellow Clubbies
      In this e-zine
      *New and refreshing changes to website
      *PDF Newsletters & Club Crest on Members Page
      *Temporary Forum
      *New Stories
      *New Online Slide Shows
      *New e-Team maintains website
      New and refreshing changes to website
      Newly created web page headers and a bootprint background now gives a new
      refreshed look to the WT&MC site. Each page also sits in the centre of your
      browser for easier viewing.
      The homepage also displays daily Whakapapa conditions, Wellington hide tides
      and sun rise/sunset information useful to kyakers and those planing summer
      outdoor activities. More here:
      Check out the reviewed website on the Whats New Page. NZ Geography Network
      provides freely available topographic maps useful for trip planning. While
      here on the Whats New Page, try your hand at the Heaphy Hut puzzle! More
      PDF Newsletters & Club Crest on Members Page
      Weve finally got them all together – our Club Newsletters are now available
      for downloading on the Members Page. Also, a new clean and crisp version
      of the WT&MC Club crest is available for print and electronic media in two
      versions; 3d and conventional. Logon here:
      Temporary Forum
      Early in December, Wellington Community Net changed their server housing the
      WT&MC website. The Forum page broke as a result. While many of you
      contributed to some quality discussions, its unlikely these messages will
      be retrieved. In the meantime, a temporary message board much like the old
      one we had is there as a temporary measure. Sometime in the near future, a
      new version will return. Check the Temporary Forum here:
      New Stories
      Theres plenty of new exploits and adventures now added to the Stories Page.
      Click on the authors name and mouse over the story link to gain an
      insight. Some stories also have pictures like Jim Kimbers story “Franklin.
      My Dear, I Dont Give a Damn”. More here:
      New Online Slide Shows
      Theres now a total of 15 online slideshows showing a wide range of Club
      activities and place we get to. The standard and quality of photographs
      taken by members continues to improve and this is a great way to see them.
      Check out Grant Newtons awesome pictures of his partys trip to George
      Sound in Fiordland National Park. More here at
      New e-Team maintains website
      The new WT&MC e-Team will now maintain the website. This new
      dedicated team has the experience to take the website to new and exciting
      places. This team have been chosen to do various functions which match
      their skills.
      * Shane Connolly has the technical flair for site development and
      * Angela Espin, a new member to WT&MC has graphic artist and web page/design
      skills. Angela did the new page headers and background images.
      * Stuart Douce, as current Promotions Officer will coordinate activities for
      the website.
      * Ferrida Curwood will edit and review content and words posted to the site.
      Contact the e-team by emailing them –
      Stephen Patience
      Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club
      PO Box 5068 | Wellington | New Zealand

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