Whats new & RIP Mountain House

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    • #12119 Reply
      Lee-Ann Mitchell

      The Whats New Page has been updated by our whizzo webmaster..check it out!

      Mothers say if you hold onto things long enough they come back into fashion? and that?s true of building design? Our new modern mountain house shelter design bares similarities to the original Mountain house. .

      WE WANT
      your Obituaries, Eulogies, Poems and odes to Mountain House..or short snippets of memorable events to the old girl – CHECK OUT the whats new page and hit the link on the page to post your contribuition!

      AWe are lso looking for the earliest “first?” person ever to sleep at Mountain House!!! – CHECK OUT the Whats New page link to register your “first time”!

    • #16348 Reply

      Here’s a novel idea – instead of writing odes and obituaries for Mountain House, why not just not pull it down in the first place……

    • #16350 Reply

      hmmm, absolutely correct and sound logic Harry….you should work for somewhere like Stats NZ!

      However clever marketing suggests maybe we could rouse some enthusiasm over the old girl before she comes down in March, get some promotion for working parties to ensure we get some big strong lads to help!

      Correct, a eulogy and obituary usually is only put out after you are dead…what do you call a eulogy/obituary before you are dead…(death threat?) Any suggestions?

      Unfortunatlely the old girl needs the Chief Guide to swing from the rafters ( as per the WTMC tradition according to Sue Walsh) before her saggy beams and functional fireplace get demolished in March or thereabouts.

      Rumour has it a few were very fond of the place and didnt see the need to replace her (werent you one of these?). So we look forward to hearing those old stories..or the odd blackadder script of WTMC trips up there!

    • #16351 Reply

      What do you call a eulogy / obituary before you are dead? In the case of one of the very few remaining old-style historic huts in the Tararuas, I’d personally call it a CRIME…..

    • #16353 Reply

      Harry is rumoured to be looking for a large plot of land to relocate Mtn House to – this will take proud place next to the old Duchess, numerous Mountain Mule packs, a number of washed up and long dead blues legends and an ever growing vinyl record collection.

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