Winter Solstice

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    • #11762 Reply
      Simon Ward

      Hi All

      The trip sheet for the Winter Solstice activities at the Ruapehu Lodge will be available this coming Wednesday (23rd May). There’s 4 trips – I will lead an easy party up to Tama Lakes, Lyndsay “Tiger” Fletcher will be golfing on the top of Ruapehu, Hugh Fyson is leading a Medium/Fit trip up Hauhungatahi and Gabriel Ossenkamp is leading a MTB trip over the 42nd Traverse.

      So come along Wednesday and sign up, I will have vital details like the cost and the theme for Saturday nite available then. If you can’t make it on Wednesday, please drop me a line by email or phone me (3899459) as there has already been heaps of interest and the lodge will fill up fast!



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