WT&MC Photo Competition

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    • #13356 Reply
      Simon Ward

      Ahoy there all keen shutterbugs!

      I am planning the annual photo competition evening for Wednesday 27 November.

      I have yet to decide the format, but I am keen to do some preliminary sorting and judging of entries before the event, with entries closing on the 20th. In past years this evening has dragged on too long so we need some way of streamlining things.
      In order that people can display prints and digital images, I am looking at having a data show available as well.

      I will probably have the usual categories for images (people, places, silly, action, humour, sunsets etc.). The main requirement is that pictures are from the last 12 months and relate to club activities, unless someone has good pictures of present clubbies in their younger days, for which I might make an exception!

      So keep an eye on the newsletter and the web site for further details. Drop me a line if you have any strong thoughts on the format of the evening.

      We are also investigating the possibility of producing a WT&MC calendar for next year, using the winning images.



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