WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – Space in Spring

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    • #28574 Reply
      Mike G

      it's still snowing in spring!

      We’ve been booked solid all snow season at WTMC Ruapehu Lodge. Now that it’s spring, the snow hasn’t let up but we actually have some October space.

      * 5-7 Oct – A group booking just released 7 bunks, they won’t last long.
      * 7-12 Oct – 2nd week school hols – 6 bunks free, half price kids!
      * 12-14 Oct – half the lodge free
      * 19-22 Oct – Labour weekend – lots of space and 3 nights for the price of 2.

      … and that’s a wrap to the season.

      Book in now – https://wtmc.org.nz/lodgebookings

      Find out all about our lodge at https://wtmc.org.nz/lodge

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