2023 member survey: summary or results

In October the committee ran a survey of club members in order to understand who our members are, what we are doing well as a club, and what we should focus our efforts on improving going forward. The survey received 138 responses, 31% of our adult membership. Responses were well distributed between new and long term members, with memberships less than one year slightly over-represented. There was a lot of useful feedback, which the committee is currently reviewing to come up with some priority action points. In the meantime, an overview of some high level takeaways is provided here.

Club benefits and activities

  • It is important to reflect on our purpose as a club, especially while we undergo a review of our constitution. The largest benefits respondents saw in their club membership were
    • Access to tramping trips
    • Meeting people
    • A sense of community
    • Discounts on lodge bookings
    • A sense of safety & security on club trips
  • Respondents generally indicated that they thought they got good value for money from their membership fees and lodge bookings, while the value for money of trip fees was generally considered average.
  • There was a general view that the club should have more club nights with a social focus (e.g. pub gathering style social nights), and try to have social events on days other than just Wednesday. A number of respondents also wanted to see more club activities that supported track and hut maintenance as well as conservation activities.

What are the benefits that you value the most from your WTMC membership now? (key themes)

Paua hut and the Lodge

  • 74.3% of respondents used the Lodge, both for private/club trips, and in summer or winter. Location, comfort and a sense of camaraderie were the main benefits identified. Some members acknowledged the importance of the lodge for the Club and supported continued efforts to maintain and operate the lodge into the future. Others suggested a more cautious approach and the need to carefully consider any further investments and long term decisions with the view to mitigate risks to the Club. 
  • 59.3% of respondents had used Paua hut. Key benefits were the accessibility and being suitable for family use. A need for maintenance was also identified, to make sure it was a comfortable space to stay in.


  • Of respondents who had volunteered for the club in some aspect, there was an overwhelming feeling that they felt appreciated, they felt good giving back to the club, and an understanding that if people didn’t volunteer, there wouldn’t be a club. However, there were also a number of responses that indicated that sometimes the load isn’t shared enough, and some members don’t understand the effort volunteers put in.
  • Of respondents who hadn’t volunteered for the club, the most common reasons were that they didn’t have the time, they live out of town, and there wasn’t enough information about the expectations of various roles

Have you ever volunteered for the club?


  • Members were generally satisfied with the communications they received from the club. The monthly email and the trip schedule on the website were both listed as the most commonly used and the most useful forms of communication. There was mixed feedback as to how well social media was used, and whether it should be used more. Going forward we will try to strengthen our social media presence, while ensuring that email and the website remain the primary forms of communication.
  • One of the largest gaps in communication that was identified was the communication between trip leaders and participants before trips, especially with regards to whether people had made it onto a trip.

How often do you use each of the following to keep up to date with the club?

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to answer the survey. If you would like to help with any of the areas identified or if you have any comments about the survey, please reach out to liaison.officer@wtmc.org.nz.