Membership – March 2013

Helen Law, Membership officer

Membership subs
Thank you to all of you who have renewed your membership subs.  There are still a number who are yet to pay up; they will receive another reminder email from me.  If you are one of those people please renew your membership as soon as possible.  You can pay by on-line bank transfer or by cheque.

Please also let me know if your contact details have changed.

New members

This month we welcome Sarah Fisher as new senior, and Tom, Vincent & Daniel van Lierop and children members to the club.

Member benefits

If you have completed 2 overnight tramping trips with the club you can become a club member, with numerous benefits including:

  • Discounted rates for overnight trips and training courses like snowcraft and first aid.
  • Federated Mountain Club membership (including a free quarterly Bulletin and a Discount Card which offers significant reductions on a range of transport, clothing, accommodation, equipment (including personal locator beacons, DOC’s Backcountry Hut Pass and Great Walk tickets and the Wilderness Magazine)
  • Preferential bookings and rates at the WTMC Lodge on Mt Ruapehu
  • Paua Hut access and free accommodation
  • Annual club journal. Produced in a coffee-table format featuring stunning photos and great articles from our members
  • Getting involved. As a member you have a voice to vote at our AGMs, help out  with the running of the club including: lead trips, drive the club van, carry out various Wednesday night duties and join our committee.

If you have any questions about club membership please email me on or find me at the club on a Wednesday night.