Membership Report – December 2010

This month we welcome Valentina Dinica as a senior member.

You will see that for the 2011/2012 membership year I’m bringing the membership renewals back in line with the WTMC financial year. The Committee supports this move and I hope you will too. You should find your invoice in the envelope with this newsletter!

We, the WTMC Committee, do our best to keep your membership subscriptions low.
Unfortunately, this year we’ve had to make an increase due to the recent rise in GST and a 30% increase in our room and storage costs at the TTC club rooms. This is even more reason to take advantage of the prompt payment discount and renew your subscriptions by the 1st February 2011! Please see the letter I’ve enclosed with the invoice for more information on subscription rates, renewal dates and payment options.

What are the benefits of WTMC membership? There are lots! Your subscription, depending on your membership type, gives you; priority lodge bookings, the annual club journal, gear hire, the quarterly FMC bulletin, a FMC discount card and membership rates to the huge number and variety of trips the club runs. I hope you’ll agree that our subscription fees represent great value for money!

Any questions please feel free to email me on or find me on a Wednesday night at the club rooms.

Happy Tramping!

Jenny, WTMC Membership officer