Membership Update – June 2013

This month we welcome the following new members:

  • Child members: Thomas Ralls, Charlie and Iona Wood
  • Associate member: Jane Cox, and her children Matthew, Henry and Angus Cox
  • Senior members: Mike Moore and Rob Edward

The club has ordered the 2013-2014 Federated Mountain Clubs (FMC) membership cards. If you are a full club member, you will receive a card with the next FMC bulletin, so look out for them arriving in your mail box next month.

The FMC card offers a wide range of discounts including DOC’s Backcountry Hut Pass, Great Walk tickets, transportation, accommodation, magazine subscriptions, purchases at outdoor shops etc. More detail here:

So please let me know if your postal address needs updating by contacting me – or PO Box 5068, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145.