Membership update – May 2013

Helen Law, Membership officer

This month we welcome 3 new Senior members, they are Tracey Black, Ingeborg Hickey and Paul Crozier.  Gema Aitken also joined us as a new Child member.  Also we welcome back Stijn Scheper and Richard Young re-joining us as Senior members.

The 2013/2014 membership renewal process was carried out fairly smoothly during the last few months.  At least 85% of members paid on time and took advantage of the prompt payment discount.  More than 7% paid after the payment due date.  So far only 4% informed me about their resignation.  The remaining 4% I still have not heard and if you think you are one of these people please get in touch with me asap.  If you have any questions or comments about membership please contact me by either emailing or by post P.O. 5068, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145.