If you have been reading my last few columns, you will know that the club held its Annual General Meeting last Wednesday (April 14th). While the AGM is not everyone’s cup of tea, it is an important opportunity for you, the members, to ask myself and the committee any questions you have about club affairs. The Annual Report was sent out with the March newsletter, and this gave a good overview of what the club has been up to in the last 12 months. I am proud of what the club has done in this time, and it is the result of much hard work by many people.
As is the norm, we had some turnover on committee this year, and I want to pay tribute to the departing committee members. Paul Jeffries has been in the demanding role of Chief Guide for more than 2 years, this is one of the most important roles in the club, and Paul has done a great job getting the trip schedules together, and finding leaders, as well as organising bushcraft and other training courses. I hope you manage to get out as a punter in the near future, Paul, you should be very satisfied with the job you have done.
Filling the position of Chief Guide is one of the most difficult jobs that a WTMC president has, I think, as most people in the club know how much work is involved. I am delighted that Amanda Wells has agreed to take up this role, many of you will know Amanda, and I hope you will give her all the help and support you can to make her job easier. Amanda has just had her 2nd term as our Promotions Officer, and she has been fantastic in that role, particularly in organisng our Annual Info/New Members Night. Our new Promotions Officer is Megan Sety, she is relatively new to the club, but has been very active, and I know she will be excellent in this position.
Also standing down are the Secretary, Simone Musin, and our co-Social Convenor Sally Colbeck. Both Simone and Sally have given a great deal to the club in the last year, and I am sad to see them go. Sharleen Grounds will be our new Secretary, and Donna Maher will take over as the lone Social Convenor.
In non-committee roles, Anthony Mulick is taking over from Marie Henderson as Gear
Custodian, and Jackie Foster and Tony Gazley will be producing the Journal again this year.
Continuing in their current roles are Ruapehu Lodge Convenor Sue Walsh, Newsletter Editor
Michael Lightbourne, Treasurer Steve Austin, Membership Officer Jenny Beaumount,
Transport Officer Gareth Morton, Social Convenor Donna Maher, Assistant Chief Guide Melissa Hewson and of course myself :-). It is great to see a number of first time committee members from last year so keen to carry on in their current jobs.
We still have a couple of vacancies on committee, two Vice President positions. This is a great role if you want to help out but don’t want to have a specific portfolio. It could suit a new enthusiastic person who wants to help out, or a more experienced clubbie who wants to give something back. Let me know if you are interested.
I hope you will join me in heartily thanking the outgoing committee, and welcoming the newcomers. I would encourage you to get to know the committee, and talk to them about the club.
You can contact me on president@wtmc.org.nz, or I am usually around on club nights.
Darren Hammond