A big welcome to all our new members and a huge welcome back to our many continuing members!
Covid-19 continues to present challenges but in the bigger picture we remain very fortunate and as a club we’re more prepared. If we return to level 2, it’s likely we’ll continue to run most trips and the Lodge will be open. However, both will depend on COVID-19 risks for our members and community, and each subject to various conditions to manage these. The safety and well-being of our members, the club and wider community remain our priorities.
I continue to be grateful to a whole community volunteers and other supporters – which make me very optimistic about WTMC in 2021.
New members night is now on 3 March – please encourage your friends, colleagues and others to come along on Weds 3 March, 7pm onwards at TTC Hall, 4 Moncrieff St, Mt Victoria. A big thanks also to Aimee, Tony Gazley and a team of others in all their work on this, including rescheduling (due to the alert level changes) at short notice. Email Aimee (promotions@wtmc.org.nz) if you need more information or want to volunteer.
A reminder that new memberships are now online (thanks Jane and Juan!!) – here or email membership@wtmc.org.nz .
We have some more great events coming up, including a gear swap/sell evening in early/mid March and a talk on Mongolian adventures. Any offers or ideas for future speakers or events, email Aimee at promotions@wtmc.org.nz.
One of the things I love most about the club is its diversity across so many aspects – type of trips and activities, events, members’ backgrounds, experience, outdoor interests, ages and more.
Congratulations to Fiona Millington who gave birth on 31 January to the club’s youngest member (at this time) Evelyn Anne Millington.
The club has a very active Families Group, with Barry Cuthbert having a major role in this over the past six years as the club’s Families Coordinator. The Families Group (email families@wtmc.org.nz) has done a range of tramping as well as a Junior Bushcraft course last year, creating and supporting a passion for the outdoors for many younger members (and others). So many thanks to Barry – who will be greatly missed – but reassuringly will be around a few months more to pass on the baton.
The Committee has been continuing work related to values, behaviours and refreshing the club’s Constitution. We’re looking to bring these to the 2021 Annual General Meeting on Weds 7 April, 7.30pm at 4 Moncrieff St. If you can’t make it, feel free to email myself, or any other current member with your proxy.
The new schedule is out and on the website. Thanks again to Matt Conway for all his amazing work as Chief Guide including with the schedules, and to our many leaders. If you want to lead, or co-lead a trip, email chiefguide@wtmc.org.nz.
Over the next few months, we’ll continue to transition to online sign-ups, moving away from the paper-based sheets. There’ll still be loads of great company and events on Wednesday evening, and the gear room will continue to run as normal.
Again, it’s also been fantastic hearing about the various adventures and others of so many club trips, with detail of some of the adventures on the club’s website here. There’s a few photos in this report to give you a taster.
Stay safe and hopefully see you on a trip, club night and/or outdoors soon,

“A reminder that new memberships are now online (thanks Jane and Juan!!) – here or…”
No link on the “here” !
You can find the form at wtmc.org.nz/join
Realise that. Thought the word ‘here’ would have been a link to the form….
Thanks Geoff
Link now added.