Welcome to 2021!
We’ve had a great start to the year with a very enjoyable and satisfying trip planning night. For any ideas or if you want to lead or co-lead a trip (we’re more than happy to help find a co-leader and/or mentor for anyone) email Chiefguide@wtmc.org.nz.
There’s also been some fun and challenging trips to start the year. This includes in our “own backyard” to the Tararua Ranges, such as to Te Matawai Hut, Eastern Hutt Hut and the Northern Crossing, as well as to the South Island, including to Lake Angelus and Richmond Forest Park. (Note: there’s many eagerly waiting for some of the trip reports. Email through to Newsletter@wtmc.org.nz.) There’s many more on the current schedule: tubing, packrafting and tramps in Ruahine Forest Park, Kaweka Forest Park and Egmont National Park, and more.

Our club night events started with Dan Nicholson taking us to Colca Canyon, Peru with spectacular canyons, stunning desert flowers and one stubborn mule. This week we went to Ruahine Corner Hut with Matt Conway.
Come along for more adventures on Wednesday nights from 7pm (talk starts at 7.30pm) at 4 Moncrieff St. Next week you can go cycling through the length of New Zealand with James Wratt. If you don’t know anyone, feel free to ask at the door for me.
WTMC new members night is Weds 17 February, from 7pm at 4 Moncriff St. This is another great chance to bring along friends and work colleagues, and for those new to the club to meet some other members. We’re also after some members to help out on the night (email Aimee at Social@wtmc.org.nz).
Members should have also received a membership renewal email. If not or any issues, email Jane at Membership@wtmc.org.nz.
Thanks again to each of you for staying with WTMC through what can best be described as an unpredictable and difficult year with COVID-19. Thanks also for all those who have shown understanding, and supported us as we’ve navigated through the year as best as we could.
Over the next months we’re developing a Vision or Mission statement and values for the club as well as re-visiting our constitution. 2020 has made us focus more on making sure the club is where it needs to be today and in the future recognising and building on its history. Any feedback or if you want to be involved, email me at President@wtmc.org.nz. More details will also be provided at our AGM (Wednesday, 7 April, 7.30pm at 4 Moncrieff St with possibly an online option).
With the new schedule, we’re moving towards online sign-ups. Bear with us as we transition.

Another change is the move towards not mailing out the FMC Background magazine unless members specifically ask for it. We’ve had a few responses but if you still want a paper copy – please email survey@wtmc.org.nz or return post to us by Monday 15 February 2021 with “YES I still want WTMC to continue to post me a paper copy of the magazine” or similar with your name and address. FMC membership cards when available later this year will still be mailed to all members.
A reminder that the lodge is in Summer Season with summer rates, and available for booking subject to their being enough numbers (and Lodge Operator availability) (bookings: https://wtmc.org.nz/contact/) For more details on the Lodge, read the monthly Lodge update (our Maunga) or email Brian at lodgeconvenor@gmail.com.
The start of the year is a good time to repeat my mantra “It’s your club”. Any suggestions or other feedback, email me or anyone else at the Committee.
Looking forward to seeing you at a club night, trip and/or the Lodge soon,