From the President … in June 2021

Tēnā koutou

I appreciate Wellington moving back to Level 2 is a settling time for many members, the club and our outdoors community. We will send out more information in a few days when it is clearer whether we are likely to return to Level 1 early next week or stay at Level 2 for longer than planned. For now, I’d encourage everyone to look after yourselves and each other, stay connected and as needed, seek support. Trip signups and bookings for the Lodge from July onwards are still open.

At such a challenging time it can be easy to forget about all the wonderful trips and experiences. Just this month this includes club trips to the Kaweka, Ruahine and Tararua Forest Parks, along with many family trips (email:,nz) and our Bushcraft training. There’s also been some hot pools (versus hut) bagging (and long soaks) plus a few Winter Solstice celebrations.

Our annual Solstice at the Lodge at Ruapehu was a great success – thanks to all for their festive spirits and various other contributions. Those unable to make it missed stunning mountains, rocks and other beautiful National Park scenery, fantastic food, swing dancing and a little secret Santa visit. The weekend again highlighted to me – and many others there – how wonderful the Lodge is and how fortunate the club is to have such and asset, along with the many volunteers who keep it running so smoothly. More on the Lodge and bookings here.

The gear sale and swap night held on 16 June was a huge success. Many happy punters went away with various treasures and there were also a lot of satisfied sellers. A huge thanks to Tiffany and Meredith for organising and promoting so well! There’s a range of great events and talks still to come – Wednesday nights from 7pm – thanks to our wonderful Social Convenor Amanda! This includes our rescheduled Hiking the Kokoda Trail (on 8 September), the annual photo competition and a bake-off later this year (more details later).

Winter is the perfect time for baking practice – with a great range (of new and old favourites) to try in the club recipe book. There’s still the chance to get yourself a copy at club nights ($30 cash or bank transfer).

We’re sorry to be losing Rasmus as our Communications Officer, and wish him well in his move down south. Massive thanks for taking on this role since lockdown last year!  I am delighted, though, that Sam Harrison has offered to take on the role once Rasmus leaves. Welcome Sam H!

The Committee is continuing to progress our Vision, Mission Statement along with more focus on culture including use of te reo Māori.

While having one eye to the future, we’re also focused on celebrating and commemorating the club’s history and where we are now. If you have any photos or stories to share, or ideas, email me or bring them to a club night.

Again, thanks to our all of you – our volunteers, members and community for making the club what it is: Mā tini mā mano, ka rapa te whai.

Kia ora rawa atu

