As we near the year’s end it’s a great time to reflect, not just on the challenges of this year but also how much there is to celebrate.
I want to firstly celebrate and thank the many volunteers that make the club as great as it is. In helping get together a list of our volunteers for our “Thanks Mate” evening (thanks Aimee for organising!), I realised just how many volunteers we have. There are so many ways so many of you contribute to the club and what it’s about: from leading trips, helping out at club nights, trapping, Lodge and Paua hut maintenance, helping with the vans, through the Committee or Lodge Sub-Committee, and more.
One really important way to help out that people often don’t think about is being an Emergency Contact for a weekend. Thanks also to all of you! We’re in need of more people to help with this as without these volunteers we can’t run trips. It’s not as demanding or daunting as it sounds (despite the name, you’re not expected to manage emergencies). If you’re keen to help out or want more information, email me at (Thanks mate!)
Last month I was on Matt’s long weekend trip in the Ruahine Forest Park and was really impressed by the trapping work being done by some WTMC members – see the photo below for more details. The tramping was challenging enough without having to go up and down to place, set and check traps. A massive thank you to Amanda, Illona, Paul, Sharon (and others I’m sure I’ve missed)! If anyone (Medium Fit grade) wants to help out with this, email
Another thing to celebrate is the club’s new van. A huge thanks to a whole team who made this happen – but with particular thanks to Rasmus and Fiona who did the research. Rasmus then spent his own time going to Queenstown to check the van out and drive it back to Wellington. Fiona’s since been doing a lot of work in getting the sign writing and the paperwork sorted.
With December only days away, there’s still time to sign up for some trips before Christmas and the time to start thinking about next year – have a look at all that’s on offer at the schedule (thanks Matt and all our leaders!).
The trip sheets for January are now all out and some of the South Island trips for February as well. Come along to the club nights – not just to sign up but to get inspired, learn and a great night out – every Wednesday night: 7.00-7.30pm for tea and biscuits (we’ve heard you and brought them back), 7.30pm for a talk and then off to the Hop Garden for a drink after.
This week we were lucky to have Miles Davison from the Lodge Sub-Committee give us a snapshot of his 21 Days of “Summer Wonderland” from his base at the club’s Ruapehu Lodge. Details for “Summer Lodge” are here (refer to the first two paragraphs).
Finally, I’ll repeat my mantra of “it’s your club”. Any ideas for speakers, trips (offers to lead particularly welcome), or anything else, email me or anyone else on the Committee, or put in the Suggestions Box at the club nights.
See you at a club night, on a trip or the Lodge soon,