From the President …in September 2021 …

Tēnā koutou

Although Covid-19 continues to present challenges for us all, there’s still lots happening and to get involved in.

Wellington is fortunate to be back to covid-19 alert level 2 so we’re able to run most club trips again with a few extra considerations. The new trip schedule is on the website here. A huge thanks to our new Chief Guide, Anne, and the many other volunteers who helped put this together – plus all those who have offered to lead trips!

We’re after more leaders, both experienced and new – email Anne at

If you’re thinking about it but not sure if you’re ready or feeling tentative, there’s the option to co-lead (many of our leaders started this way) and many in the club who are also happy to mentor or otherwise provide support. We’re also planning another trip leadership course (for those interested or new to leaders). If you’re interested in finding out more about co-leading or the course email

WTMC trip to Ruapehu (Tahurangi) Photo credit: Tiffany Shih

Thanks to a massive effort by Megan Sety and the team at VUW Tramping Club, the Mountain Film Festival is still planned to go ahead – now at the new dates of 1 November (Kiwi made selection) and 4 November (Award winning selection). There are still a few tickets left here – don’t miss out!

Thanks also to all those who responded to our survey in response to the club’s Tararua Forest Park maintenance agreements. The results showed strong interest in the club continuing to be responsible for the Mountain Shelter (built by club members), with many good reasons including its historical importance for WTMC. Views on maintaining Maungahuka hut were more mixed given its location, with the most important thing for some ensuring it’s looked after not which club does it. We’ll let you know what the Committee decides taking into account these views.

We’re still needing a new Ruahine trapping coordinator. If you’re a grade medium fit of fit tramper who loves blue whio, email Tony at

Work is underway on keeping our social media current. As part of this options to refresh the club logo to keep it current while keeping our history. We’re still in the early days of working out ways to do this. We’re keen to keep members involved in this, so will be asking for your views when we’ve got some more concrete ideas.

Byron is still after trip reports – and is happy to help provide guidance to anyone not sure of what’s needed, or just want the reassurance of a safe review or edit. Email

Our Promotions and Communications Officers, Sam D and Sam H organised a very successful online quiz (in-between keeping our comms and social media up to date, including in response to the changing covid-19 levels).  Amanda, our Social Convenor is looking to hold other online events until we get back to alert level 1. Any ideas – or offers to present – email her at

Again, please stay connected and keep involved – and to repeat my mantra – it’s your club so any suggestions, email me or any other Committee members.

Kia noho ora ra, koutou katoa (May you all stay safe and well),



Back to Blyth Hut (photo credit: Tiffany Shih)