Kia ora,
This article provides a brief update on club activities, including:
- WTMC September recap: Committee, trips and lodge updates
- Coming up in October
If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch.
Ngā mihi
Anne de Ferron
WTMC September recap
EM trip to Daphne Hut (left) . (Credit: Jane)
Te Awa Kairangi Packrafting (right) – A great opportunity to get some practice and work towards more backcountry adventures. (Credit: Claire)
From the Committee
Incident response exercise – Last month the Committee ran a simulation exercise, which consisted in simulating a PLB activation to ensure our emergency systems are fit for purpose and that the Committee is ready to support Search and Rescue should an incident occur. Overall the exercise went smoothly, however there is always room for improvement. We will look to make minor improvements behind the scene, one of which will be to collate a list of reliable club members who can assist the Committee during an emergency. If you have any relevant skills (LandSAR, Police, comms & media training, etc) and would like to help, please email Thanks to Emily for organising the exercise, as well as Hilary, Claire, Jacqui, Debbie, Nye and Tereza for their very convincing acting skills!
Upcoming survey – We are finalising a survey which will go out to club members in the coming weeks. This will help us understand how we are doing as a club and hear what you would like to see more or less of. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback, please take the time to respond to these few questions.
Farewell Juan – Our dedicated Tech Officer is moving! Thank you Juan for the time and effort you have put into updating our website and other club systems. Over the years Juan helped move from paper to online sign up for trips, supported the transition to Hello Club and did a huge amount of work behind the scenes to set up efficient IT systems to support the club’s operation! A legacy that we will enjoy for many years.
Tramping updates
Summer schedule – The next schedule is due for release this week and will make maximum use of the many long weekends available over summer to travel further and tramp longer. There are dozens of exciting tramps planned, including a number of South Island options, so sign up online to secure your spot. Remember too that it’s your Club, so you can always contact the Chief Guide with trip suggestions.
New leaders – Are you interested in leading/co-leading trips? Have you tramped with anyone you could recommend we contact to gauge their interest? There is support available for new leaders, and opportunities to be paired up with an experienced leader to get started. Day trips are also a good way to build confidence and get used to leading a group in a low risk environment. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please email the Chief Guide.
Training courses – There will be a bushcraft course in November and we are always looking for help to run navigation courses and other courses – if you are able to help please contact
Donations for Shaun Barnett – Author, photographer, mountaineer, and ex-WTMC member Shaun Barnett is dealing with cancer. Shaun has dedicted a lot of energy to the club over the years, including judging our photography competition multiple times. A Give-a-Little page has been set up to assist through this difficult time and help Shaun continue writing his memoir. We invite members to contribute here.
Lodge updates
There is still availability at the Ruapehu lodge most weekends. Make sure to book your spot at the lodge! For the latest updates, please check the WTMC Ruapehu Facebook page.
Lake Surprise and Blyth Hut (EM) (left) (Credit – Harry)
Hopeless and Cupola huts (M-MF) (right) In the clearing above Cupola hut, just before dusk and the weather packed in – a real highlight! (credit: Daniel)
Coming up next
Check the trip schedule for upcoming club trips
11 October – WTMC Talks: Two trips to Whanganui National Park
25 October – WTMC Talks: Learn about the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand
1 November – Visit of the NZ Rescue Coordination Center (max 12, Lower Hutt)
8 November – WTMC Talks: Skiing to the South Pole, Following Amundsen’s route up the Axel Heiberg Glacier
Angelus hut (Alp1) – Early morning start to make the most of the firm snow. (credit: Anne)