Wednesday 10 April 2024, 6-7.30pm
Annual General Meeting
- The next AGM will be held on Wednesday 10 April.
- Please note the early start time: doors open at 5.30pm, meeting starts at 6 pm.
- The AGM will be held both in-person at the clubrooms (4 Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington) and remotely via “Google Meet”.
- We also invite you to join us for drinks and nibbles after the AGM, just around the corner.
Find the event on the website or on Facebook.
This notice provides an Agenda for the AGM, supporting documents, nominations received for the Committee,
and information on how to join the AGM remotely through “Google Meet.”
This page will be updated when new nominations or motions are received.
Agenda for the AGM [ Last updated on 29 March ]
Chair: Anne de Ferron (President)
Minutes: David Barker (Secretary)
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Confirm the minutes of the last AGM held on 5 April 2023
- Receive the annual report
- Receive the financial report
- Members’ motions
Motion A: Remove provisions that allow non-members on the Committee/Sub-Committee
Motion B: Clarify where surplus assets will go on any winding up of the Club
Motion C: Specify Committee composition in the Constitution
Motion D: Include Veteran status in the Constitution - Adopt the proposed Club constitution (subject to any agreed motion(s))
- Elect the Committee Officers for the coming year
- General business
Supporting documents:
- Minutes from 2023 AGM
- Annual report 2023/24
- Financial Report 2023/24
- Members motions A, B and C – Explanatory note
- Member motion D – Explanatory note
- Proposed Constitution
- Background for the proposed constitution
! Drinks and Nibbles ! – The meeting will be followed by drinks and nibbles at the Boneface Tavern, 13 Pirie St (5 min walk away from the Club)
Important note:
Only members with a current membership will be able to vote. If you are unsure about your membership status or need help to renew, please contact the Membership Officer as soon as practical (
Nominations for the Committee
We will also be electing a new WTMC Committee for the period April 2024 – April 2025.
Nominations received so far for Club Officers (last updated 2/04/2024):
Role | People nominated | Information they provided |
President | Vacant | |
Vice President | Andrew Brown | Having recently rejoined the club (I was a member while at university), my motivation is to help where I can and ensure that the club remains a thriving part of the outdoors community in the Wellington Region. I have been a member of the NZAC since 1984 and have maintained an active interest in the outdoors since then. My wife, Paula, and I have two teenage daughters; Olivia at Wellington Girls’ College (where I am on the Board of Trustees) and Alex at the University of Canterbury in her first year. I chair the Hohepa Wellington Regional Board and am a trustee of the Hohepa Homes Trust Board, both of which are in the intellectual disability sector. I am the General Manager Support Services at the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association, and prior to that spent 20+ years in the New Zealand Defence Force. Nga mihi, Andrew. |
Treasurer | Daniel Madley | I’ve been a club member for over five years, met my wife through the club and have been the Treasurer for the past year. I am encouraged by the improvement in the club’s financial systems and policies in the past year, but there is more work to do, both to ensure the club is running efficiently, to give assurance to our members that our accounts are as transparent as possible, and to ensure that future Officers and volunteers can seamlessly pick up the reins. Outside of tramping I enjoy trail running and travelling for running events. |
Secretary | Elizabeth Kim | Tēnā koutou, Ko Elizabeth Kim tōku ingoa. I officially joined WTMC at the beginning of last year, and since then, I have been fortunate to join many club trips and meet other members who also have a keen interest in the outdoors. It’s only been in the last few years that I have really gotten into tramping, and more outdoor activities in general. The club is a wonderful community that has taught me many skills, and rewarded me with tough but challenging experiences, and I’m really keen to return the favour and contribute back to the club and step into the role as club secretary. Bringing my legal background, and own perspective about how we can respectfully and meaningfully engage with the outdoors in Aotearoa, I hope to help the club develop into a more well-rounded and cohesive community. Ngā mihi mō ō koutou tautoko. Nā, Elizabeth |
Chief Guide | Vacant | |
Lodge Convenor | Miles Davison | Kia ora. I have been a member of WT&MC since 1982, joining at the age of 16. Over the years I have both tramped and skied with the club. 41 years on and I’m keener on being in NZ’s great outdoors than ever. My role as Ruapehu Lodge Convenor, serving on the General Committee, is my way of serving the club that has provided so much for me over many years. Having spent countless days and nights at the lodge, and having attended many working parties over the years, I feel well placed to serve the club in this role. As the current lodge convenor, I would relish the opportunity to carry on progressing the things we have implemented over the past year. Thank you for your support. |
Liaison officer | Sam Harrison | Kia ora koutou, ko Sam ahau. I am excited to be putting my name forward for another stint on the committee as liaison officer. I’m an active tramping member of the club, you might have seen me around on a medium fit trip or read some of my writing on my blog/the Wilderness Magazine. I have a lot of ideas for how we can grow the club and improve the experience that we offer to our members, really looking forward to testing some of these with you all. |
If you are interested in any role, the person currently in the role would be able to provide an overview of the role (you can find them on the Committee page on our website).
The sign of a healthy club is having elections and all committee positions are up for grabs.
To be nominated for a role, email to You will be asked to complete a nomination form. Nominations close 10 April 2024.
Non-Committee roles
There is always something to do to support the Club or the Committee. Whether you have a little bit of time or a lot of time, check out the Volunteers page to find out about ways you can help. We are always interested in spreading the load, so if you think you can fill these roles or wish to assist the club in any other capacity, please email
Voting procedures
For Committee positions where only one candidate is proposed, votes will be taken by a show of hands for those in person (observed by the Secretary). For those on-line, this may be done visually or via the chat (observed by a designated volunteer TBA).
For other matters requiring a vote, for people attending in person we will have a ballot paper to fill out. The Secretary will collect and count these. For people attending via Google Hangouts, votes can be cast via email. The designated volunteer will count these and report them to the Secretary. If you intend to attend online and vote by email, now is a good time to check that the Club has your correct email address. If that has changed, please let the Membership Officer know by mailing
Members unable to make it to the AGM may nominate a proxy if they wish to vote on their behalf. The proxy can be the meeting chair or any other member eligible to vote. You can (but do not have to) specify to the proxy how you wish them to vote on all or some matters. To be eligible to vote, members must be financially current and aged 18 years plus (as of the AGM date).
If you are unable to attend the AGM, either virtually or in-person and wish to vote by proxy, please advise the Chair of who your proxy is by emailing Proxy votes must be received at least 24 hours before the start of the AGM.
Joining through “Google Meet”
You can attend the AGM remotely via “Google Meet” using your computer or smart phone.
Click on this link from 5:55pm on Wednesday 10 April:
You may be prompted to allow your microphone and camera to be used.
Click “Ask to Join”.
Please mute your microphone when you join the meeting.
If you would like to speak during the meeting, you can use the chat function (you can see this by clicking the chat icon on the top right of your screen, and the designated volunteer will invite you to unmute and speak.
If you are having trouble joining, please try an alternative web browser or alternative device.
See you at the AGM!