The Nature of Things – April 2012

In a few weeks we will hold our AGM. With this issue of the newsletter is a copy of the Annual Report and the Club Accounts. There are five topics we would like to get your feedback on at the AGM. I have highlighted them here for convenience and to get you thinking. Of course we would welcome debate/feedback on anything to do with running the club.


  • Club nights – are you prepared to help run these? How can we make club nights more popular? Could the club survive without them? We all lead busy lives so it is hard to get 1 or 2 people to commit to turning up every Wednesday and staying all evening as well as coming to monthly committee meetings. One option is to set up a roster and have rotating club night organisers.
  • Lodge utilisation – we have a fantastic facility in a brilliant location sitting empty or partly empty lots of the time. How can we get people to use it?
  • Van usage – we have two great vans for transporting people to road ends yet often we only have sufficient trips/punters heading out to fill one van. Can we increase trip numbers or do we need to look at selling a van? Can you think of any ways to generate more income from the vans, either during the week when not in use, or during weekend trips? Does anyone know a way to minimise our maintenance and repair costs?
  • Leading trips – it is always difficult to get sufficient trip leaders, particularly for day trips where punter demand outstrips leader supply.  Any ideas? What stops you leading a trip? Should we send day walkers off to other clubs?
  • Training courses – do you like what we run? Should we run other courses, if yes what and who can we get to help with these?


I say it in the Annual Report and I’ll say it again here. Every single person on the 2011/12 Committee has worked extremely hard to keep the club running smoothly. It would be nice if you could come along on the 18th of April and show your appreciation and support.


Nominations for the 2012 Committee:


President                                   Sharron Came

Vice President                           Kate Cushing


Treasurer                                   Steve Austin

Chief Guide                               Amanda Wells

Assistant Chief Guide               Richard Lardner

Social Convenor                       Jenny Beaumont

Newsletter Editor                      Sarah Young

Membership Officer                   Helen Law

Promotions Officer

Transport Officer                       Gareth Morton

Ruapehu Lodge Convenor        Brian Goodwin

General                                     Donna Maher


As you can see we still have a few vacancies in crucial roles and a couple of the people who have agreed to stay on would be really happy to stand aside for new people, most notably Jenny and Gareth. It is not too late to get yourself nominated. There is a form attached to this newsletter or email someone on the committee.


Hopefully you have noticed that we have a new look website up and running. If you have not taken a look I suggest you do so and spread the word. Big thanks goes to Mike Gilbert, Sarah Young and Steve Kohler who despite being very busy with loads of other stuff still managed to put in the hard yards to see this important project through. Of course we still have more stuff to do, most notably getting the membership data base back up and running. That will happen once those of you who like to leave things to the last minute get around to renewing your membership. We would love to hear what you think of the website, particularly any constructive suggestions for making it even better or any suggested amendments to content. Contact Mike at  Next up will be the electronic booking system for the Lodge. This is due to be up and running by 1 May 2012, – something to look forward to as you plan your winter adventures.

Finally, I would like to thank Mika, Hans, Marie and Tony for running our Bushcraft course in March. Due to its popularity there will be another course run in April. I’m stoked that people are making the most of this opportunity to meet other outdoor loving people and learn a bit more about tramping.

See you on the 18th.
