The Nature of Things – Aug 2011

After a super mild autumn and a slow start to winter the snow suddenly arrived in dramatic fashion with a couple of good winter storms. Whakapapa now has a respectable 140cm snow base making skiing and other stuff not only possible but enjoyable. With impeccable timing we managed to slot the first weekend of Snowcraft into the space between the two cold snaps and just as well too, it is seriously hard work knocking would be alpinists into shape.

With your help Amanda and Richard are knocking the Spring trip schedule into shape. If you are planning to get off the couch as the days get longer or to escape the RWC hype now is the time to come forward with your suggestions for trips and offers to lead them. As I mentioned last month, we are particularly keen to get some new leaders out in the hills and day trips are a great place to start. You don’t have to wait for our Leadership course, (coming up in late October), to lead a trip. If you don’t feel confident leading a trip by yourself you can always offer to organise a trip and grab another experienced tramper as your wing man.

If you fancy a week of skiing based at the Club Lodge get in touch with Brian at or leave a message on the answer phone 04 4796799. The next ski week specially reserved for club members and their friends is from 4pm Sunday 7 August to 4pm Friday 12 August. If you are a rubbish skier you can book ski lessons easily enough – just consult Google.

It was great to see the clubrooms full last week when Jonathan Kennett gave his talk on how wonderful the Tararuas are. Like most people it seems, Jonathan used to belong to our club! Wouldn’t it be great if we could fill the clubrooms every Wednesday? If you have any suggestions for Wednesday night talks or any other social activities let our tea ladies know or email  Still thirsty after your post slideshow cup of tea and biscuits? Well there is nothing to stop you leading the charge down to the Welsh bar or similar watering hole. Likewise if you want to help out with the MAG or other promotional activity have a word to Megan or email her at Actually Megan is also the President these days so she is pretty busy. Have a look in the latest issue of Wilderness Magazine for what she has to say about danger spots in the Tararuas.

A small group of us are beavering away on the website project. You may have noticed the rotating pictures on the homepage. There is heaps more to come so watch that space. Big thanks to Sarah Young, Steve Kholer and David Jewell who have been putting in some serious time in front of their computer screens. Thanks also to those of you who have been posting advice on the Forum or sending advice by email or helping with the card sorting exercise Sarah ran. We are stoked with the level of engagement.

Any ideas or feedback about running your club, or, if you want the job of editing the club Journal please get in touch with someone on the committee. Have fun in the hills and come home safely.