The Nature of Things – August 2012

Tena koutou fellow trampers.

Big thanks to the Committee and the rest of the WTMC team for ensuring the Club ran smoothly while I was overseas. Actually it sounds like it may have run even better without me around. Perhaps I should go away more often. Special thanks also to Katy Glenie who has taken over responsibility for organising Club weekend contacts for trips. Now we just need a Promotions Officer, a Vice President and a Secretary and 16 Olympic medals.

I hope you are making the most of the Wellington Winter. There are lots of great trips coming up for those of you who have been spending more time than you would like at work or on the couch. If you want a preview of the forthcoming Spring Trip Schedule get in touch with Amanda There are plenty of trip leading opportunities available plus you can get out your diary and mark in a few weekend excursions to remind you to get along to Club and sign up before the trips fill up.

The Committee is in the process of reviewing the Club Constitution to see if any provisions need updating. For example, the notice provisions could do with an update to reflect the fact that most of our business is done electronically rather than through the post. The Constitution is available on the website. If you have any interest in this project please have a read of the Constitution and get in touch with me I hope to report back in the next newsletter (or the October one) on any proposed changes. If we do decide changes are necessary we will call an SGM.

You will be aware that the Department of Conservation (DoC) like the rest of Government is under pressure to make savings. We have been informed that three tracks in our backyard are to be closed:

• Block 16 between the Marchant Ridge and the Tauherenikau River (true right)
• Ruamahanga to Cow Creek track
• Kaiparoro Track from the Kaiparoro Road near Mt Bruce to Kaiparoro Hill

DoC’s Wairarapa Field Centre is open to expressions of interest from volunteers who wish to help maintain these tracks. This could be an opportunity for the Club to help keep some tracks open in our own backyard in places we often visit. If anyone is interested in putting together a proposal or team of volunteers to undertake some track maintenance please get in touch:

If you have been on a trip lately and took some pictures and have some stories to tell please grab Jenny and book in to share your experiences with the rest of us. It’s tough trying to source slideshows on a weekly basis. We can all make Jenny’s job easier by volunteering or, failing that, giving her a few ideas or helping out with the tea making. Not too sure how to make tea? We can provide you with an opportunity to acquire that skill any Wednesday night you like. By the way, our tea cups are the old fashioned variety that don’t wash and dry themselves.

Finally, remember to keep those Journal articles coming in. The Journal Editor is off on an adventure of his own at the moment but he will need something fun to do when he gets back. Would be great to surprise him by having lots of articles written up and ready to go. Send your contributions, including photos to and mark them “for the 2012 Journal”.