WTMC Annual General Meeting (5 April 2023)

WTMC Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 5 April 2023, 7:30-8:30pm

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for Wednesday 5 April 2023, 7:30pm.
The AGM will be held both in-person at the clubrooms (4 Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington) and remotely via “Google Meet”.

This notice covers provision of the Annual Report and Financial Statements, nominations for the Committee, an agenda for the AGM,
and information on how to join the AGM remotely through “Google Meet.”

Find the event on the website and on Facebook.

Agenda for the AGM

Chair: Tony Stephens (President)
Minutes: Jamie Hawkins Elder (Secretary)

  1. Apologies.  Please send in advance to secretary@wtmc.org.nz
  2. Minutes from 2022 AGM for approval
  3. Minutes from February 2023 EGM for approval
  4. Presentation of WTMC Annual Report and Financial Report (link to reports)
  5. Election of officers for the 2023-24 committee year
  6. General business

Important note: 
Only members with a current membership will be able to vote. The grace period to renew ends on 31 March. If you are unsure about your membership status or need help to renew, please contact the Membership Officer as soon as practical (membership@wtmc.org.nz).

Provision of the Annual Report and Financial Statements

At the AGM we will be presenting the Annual Report and Financial Statements.

1) Annual Report (also available by clicking “Newsletter” – “Documents” – “Annual Reports” – “2023-annual-report.pdf”).

2) Financial Statements (also available by clicking “Newsletter” – “Documents” – “Financial Reports” – “2023-finanical-report.pdf”).

Nominations for the Committee

We will also be electing a new WTMC Committee for the period April 2023 – April 2024. 

Nominations so far for Club Officers:

RolePeople nominated
PresidentAnne de Ferron
Vice PresidentJon Keyzer
TreasurerDaniel Madley
SecretaryDavid Bakker
Chief GuideMonique Bon
Lodge ConvenorVacant
Liaison officerMathew Denys

If you are interested in any role, the person currently in the role would be able to provide an overview of the role (you can find them on the Committee page on our website).

The sign of a healthy club is having elections and all committee positions are up for grabs.

To be nominated for a role, you need to find another WTMC member to nominate you by email to secretary@wtmc.org.nz and then you need to reply to accept the nomination. Nominations close 5 April 2023.

Non-Committee roles

The table below notes the non-committee roles already filled and those where we still require volunteers. 

We are always interested in spreading the load, so if you think you can fill these roles or wish to assist the club in any other capacity, please email secretary@wtmc.org.nz.

Voting procedures

For Committee positions where only one candidate is proposed, votes will be taken by a show of hands for those in person (observed by the Secretary). For those on-line, this may be done visually or via the chat (observed by the Technology Officer). 

For other matters requiring a vote, for people attending in person we will have a ballot paper to fill out. The Secretary will collect and count these. For people attending via Google Hangouts, votes can be cast via email. The Technology Officer will count these and report them to the Secretary. If you intend to attend online and vote by email, now is a good time to check that the Club has your correct email address. If that has changed, please let the Membership Officer know by mailing membership@wtmc.org.nz.

Members unable to make it to the AGM may nominate a proxy if they wish to vote on their behalf. The proxy can be the meeting chair or any other member eligible to vote. You can (but do not have to) specify to the proxy how you wish them to vote on all or some matters. To be eligible to vote, members must be financially current and aged 18 years plus (as of the AGM date).

If you are unable to attend the AGM, either virtually or in-person and wish to vote by proxy, please advise the Chair of who your proxy is by emailing president@wtmc.org.nz. Proxy votes must be received at least 24 hours before the start of the AGM.

Joining through “Google Meet”

You can attend the AGM remotely via “Google Meet” using your computer or smart phone.
Follow this link from 7:25pm on Wednesday 6 April: meet.google.com/ufg-viad-ems 

You may be prompted to allow your microphone and camera to be used.

Click “Ask to Join”.

Please mute your microphone when you join the meeting.

If you would like to speak during the meeting, you can use the chat function (you can see this by clicking the chat icon on the top right of your screen, and our IT Officer will invite you to unmute and speak.

If you are having trouble joining, please try an alternative web browser or alternative device.

See you at the AGM!