Firstly, we want to introduce your new Committee:
We’ve been collectively thinking and working on how best to support members at this challenging time for tramping.
For Alert Level 2 we’re planning some day trips that people can get to by private car or public transport, and taking into account physical distancing of at least 1m.
(See here for what each of the levels mean:
Want to lead an Alert Level 2 trip or any trip or ideas, email Matt at
We’re still looking at options for Alert Level 1, noting there’ll still be restrictions to work through. Again, send through any ideas to
Alert Level 3? We’ve decided it’s not feasible to run club trips given current restrictions.
While we can’t tramp together we can share ideas. Any local ‘bubble’ trips you want to share with other members, email or Rasmus at
After the great success of Henry’s online talk, we want to do more presentations.
It’d be great to keep the Wednesday club nights going, but at Lvl 3 and 2 these will need to still be online.
We need online presenters! Willing to present online or any suggestions, email Byron at or Aimee at .
Any other suggestions of what the club can do to stay connected and support the club aim,s (see Object 3 constitution) email either of us ( or
We hope you’re all staying safe, well and sane and able to get out to the streets if not the hills.
Maj-Britt and Matt
(President) (Chief Guide)