Behind-the-scenes at WTMC

Have you been wondering how you can get more involved with WTMC? Are you wanting to give something back to your favourite club?

We’re looking for a new Social Convenor and a team of people to help run our Wednesday evening club nights.

The Social Convenor and their team make sure Wednesday nights run smoothly by:

  • Setting out the tea, coffee and biscuits
  • Setting up the projector
  • MC’ing the ‘formal’ part of the evening (asking for any announcements, introducing and thanking the speaker)
  • Putting the cups through the steriliser
  • Locking up the hall (before joining everyone else in the pub!)

If you are keen to learn how to turn on the steriliser, or where the biscuit cupboard is, then join Catherine (our outgoing Social Convenor) at 6:55pm this Wednesday 14th March at the Clubrooms.

Catherine will be showing the ropes to anyone who’s keen to help out as part of the Wednesday night team – just turn up and join in the fun.

Email if you want to know more or are willing to help out.