We have another great month lined up for you as follows:
2 October Tom Fanning takes us along the Camino.
9 October A definite night to come down and talk about the virtues of our amazing club at new members night. Your enthusiasm will help make the night a success and ensure that we continue to have new folk come along.
16 October Bivouac will visit us to talk about gear specifically aimed at new comers to tramping. Even though this is the aim, you never know what tips/hints you might pick up so pop this in your diary. People new to the club who attend this night can also receive a time-limited voucher for 10% to use in the Mercer Street store.
23 October Bring your appetite! The second edition of our cookbook will be released and I believe there might be a bake off of some kind. Keep your eyes on the forum site for further information.
30 October Pete Gent takes us on a journey to the top of the world and tells the story of his recent trip to Svalbard.
I’m always on the look-out for presentations and presenters. Funnily enough you bunch seem to be quite shy about talking about the wonderful adventures you’ve had. Strange, as you don’t strike me as being the shy type. Here’s a couple of things to keep in mind:
• People are curious and want to know.
• If you leave it to the next person, the next person has left it to you too.
• Slides are more than welcome, mould and all!
I have some ideas for future slide shows. However to make them work, I really need volunteers from you. I will think further on the ideas and pop something into the next newsletter and on the forum. I really look forward to hearing from you, and you can always contact me on social@wtmc.org.nz