
We offer scholarships to help our members gain experience and skills to further their tramping adventures.

These scholarships are for WTMC members only. We are committed to helping our members have great and safe adventures, and develop the skills to help others get out in the backcountry.

We know that members would like to develop their outdoor skills and technical knowledge to be more confident trip leaders. And some types of trips require extra skills and technical knowledge that we may have limited resources or leaders to offer those trips – like packrafting, ski touring and more.

These scholarships come with the expectation of giving your time and skills to the WTMC community. The amazing things we do depend entirely on volunteers. The scholarships are a way to recognise the incredible time and efforts some volunteers have already given. The programme also invests in our members so they can invest back in the club.

How the Scholarship programme works

This scholarship programme is intended to support club members to gain more experience with tramping related activities that may involve more technical skills and the club has limited resources to lead or offer these types of trips. This could include canyoning, mountaineering, packrafting, climbing, ski touring, mountain bike packing, sea kayaking or any other outdoor adventure activity that the club doesn’t have substantial skills in.

Amount: You can apply for up to $500 for a single person to attend a professionally guided course or trip; money can be used for registration fees, travel or gear hire.

Eligibility:  You have been a club member for at least 12 months and have current membership. You have volunteered with the club in at least 3 ways in the previous 12 months or commit to within the next 12 months. In your application you will need to identify at least 3 separate things you have or will do. Leading trips is one of the most vital volunteer roles of our club, but all volunteer roles are essential. Some of the volunteer activities that would be considered include:

  • Leading or co-leading club trips
  • Holding a Committee position
  • Participating in the lodge subcommittee, being a lodge leader or volunteering for the lodge
  • Editing the journal or newsletter
  • Coordinating the gear room or emergency contacts
  • Coordinating or helping with snowcraft, bushcraft, leadership courses, jumpstart or introductory sessions to canyoning/packrafting/mountain biking
  • Regularly being on the roster for emergency contacts, hosting social nights, door greeters, gear room, van cleaning or maintenance
  • Coordinating Paua Hut maintenance or bookings
  • Ongoing assistance to the treasurer with refunds or checking fees
  • Distribution of FMC bulletins

Deadline: There is no deadline to apply, the programme will run continuously as long as we have money in the fund. You’ll need to use the money within 3 months or it will go back into the pool. If you need more than 3 months, please include an explanation in your application.

Extra but important details:

  • If you are awarded a scholarship, you are responsible for booking the trip or instruction, and paying all fees including travel.
  • Scholarship money will be provided by reimbursement based on receipts for costs.
  • The money from the scholarship can only be used for registration fees, travel or gear hire to participate in professionally guided trips or instruction courses (this includes NZ Alpine Club courses). Bushcraft, snowcraft and leadership courses led by WTMC will be excluded – the intention of the programme is to encourage people to develop skills that we lack in the club.
  • Because the programme will now be ongoing, you can apply for a scholarship once per 12 months. Priority will be given to people who have not received a scholarship.
  • Scholarships are reviewed and recommended by a panel to the WTMC Committee. Committee reserves the right to veto any scholarship.
  • It usually takes 1 to 2 weeks for us to review your application.
  • Financial hardship is not part of the eligibility criteria for these scholarships. If you are in a position where you need financial support for a club-related activity then please talk to a Committee member.

To apply, complete the online application.

If you have questions, email the Chief Guide who can put you in touch with the person coordinating the scholarship programme.

The funding for these scholarships is budgeted for each year and at times funding may be supplemented by fundraising projects such as hosting the New Zealand Mountain Film Festival.