WTMC Photo Competition 2023

Winners and runners-up in the 2023 WTMC Photo Competition judged by Lissa from Lissa Photography. Over 80 photos have been entered in the photo competition this year. The entry categories of the competition followed those of the FMC national photo competition. Club winning photos, and the runners-up, in each category are forwarded to the national FMC competition.

Runner up: Kea by Anne de Ferron
Winner: Siblings by Sam Harrison
Special mention: Cascade Stream by Ian Harrison
Runner up: Goblin Forest Sunlight (Tararuas) by Lynsey Sutton
Winner: Toitoi in the wind by Marteen Ruiter
Runner up: St James Campsite by Ian Harrison
Winner: A well deserved rest by Mathew Denys
Winner: D’Urville Hut by Tony Stephens
Runner up: Glimpse of the stars (Otehake river) by Mathew Denys
Winner: Syme Hut Milky Way by Ian Harrison
Runner up: Boulder lake by Sam Harrison
Winner: Over the Bonar by James Gilbert-Milne
Runner up: Haukura by Sam Harrison
Winner: The Plateau by Mathew Denys

A slide show with all WTMC Photo Competition 2023 entries is provided below: