End of the track!
After a couple of years which have just flown by both Debbie (Assistant Chief Guide) and myself are stepping down from our committee positions.
Debbie has done a great job both in keeping me on the right path and also in making sure the trip sheets are in order and to the right person. She has also made some great suggestions for trips and road ends and led many trips.
Another great thank you I would like to pay is to the two presidents Sharron Came and Amanda Wells. Being chief guide is a lot easier when someone is very actively supporting you and helping you get things done. My personal view is that both have pushed through some very critical reforms and taken the club back to it’s original philosophy.
I could go on but this is not the Oscars so the final thanks is to the trip leaders, keep up the good work.
Some admin
The new trip schedule will be out soon so please take the opportunity to get out tramping some more (or contact me to sign up to lead a trip)!
We also are going to try a new link on the website. This will allow you to email the trip leader directly off the trip schedule. The email will come with a prompt of questions the trip leader needs to know. Please give it a go and provide some feed back if you have any suggestions.
Alpine Training Courses
The next schedule is quite full with training opportunities. We are running our first Alpine Instruction Course for a few years. We will use a professional guide, which does increase the cost but also allows us to use our limited alpine resources well.
There will also be a Snowcraft course in July. The course is always well received and will give you the skills to go on club Alpine 1 trips. You will learn the mysteries of crampons and ice axes from the comfort of the club lodge! Bacon and eggs sure do beat away the cold! If you are interested in either the Alpine or Snowcraft courses contact alpine@wtmc.org.nz.
There is also the alpine leaders course. This is for those in the club who already have alpine experience and are thinking about leading alpine trips. I will talk to a few people who are likely candidates.
Finally Megan Sety is occasionally putting together rock climbing instruction via Fergs climbing gym. There are intro to climbing course and intro to lead climbing course. Contact Megan at megan.sety@gmail.com if interested.