Long Days in the Hills – Planned and Unplanned!
Emily will share some stories from 12hr+ days in the hills, and a few tips on how to improve your chances of making them a success.
Emily will share some stories from 12hr+ days in the hills, and a few tips on how to improve your chances of making them a success.
New Zealand's five subantactic islands are a taonga that few New Zealanders ever see. They harbour precious seabirds, awe-inspiring landscapes and, of course, our remotest huts. Come along and hear WTMC Club member Sam give a presentation on his experience visiting the islands on a 12 day expedition in January this year as part of ... Read more
The WTMC Lodge subcommittee meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting are held in the gear room. Entrance is by the side door of the TTC Hall. If you are interested attending, please contact the Lodge Convenor first at lodgeconvenor@gmail.com.
Henry will talk about his trip to Mt Barff opposite Mt Aspiring, where - even in the summer - it's good to have alpine skills in your back-pocket to get the best views. As this was a solo trip, he'll talk about how you can stay safe in the alpine environment, how much you can ... Read more
Take an easy tramping track, add a splash of kids, and what do you get? The WTMC Families Group! Our families group are keen outdoors people who love taking their kids on adventures with them. Come along and hear about some of their recent outings from club member Amelia White. *WTMC social nights are open ... Read more
The WTMC Lodge subcommittee meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting are held in the gear room. Entrance is by the side door of the TTC Hall. If you are interested attending, please contact the Lodge Convenor first at lodgeconvenor@gmail.com.
Tour Aotearoa is a 3,000 km bikepacking event from Cape Reinga to Bluff- following a combination of cycle trails, tracks, paths and lanes connected by country roads. Come and listen to Pete talk about his Tour Aotearoa ride from earlier in the year: 1 broken wheel 5 ferries 6 WTMC members 25 ginger beers 26 ... Read more
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled with a speaker having Covid. it will be rescheduled at a later date. Please join us this Wednesday 13 May at 7:30pm for the second of our virtual club talks, tramping the Te Araroa Trail (the North Island) with Rasmus Altenkamp. Ever wondered what it's like to walk ... Read more