Amazing – dinosaur long thought extinct discovered in Kaikouras

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 months ago by Tony Gazley.
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    • #60721 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      Dinosaur long thought extinct discovered in Seaward Kaikouras

      Sarah points to the dinosaur sunning on the cliff face

      On a recent trip to the Seaward Kaikoura Range members of the group were astounded to find a dinosaur sunning itself on a cliff face in the Puhi Puhi Valley.

      Dinosaurs had been thought extinct for 66 million years, but here was clear evidence that at least one has survived.

      The Sarahsaurus

      The group were able to identify the dinosaur as a Sarahsaurus – a species know for it’s ability to run rapidly over long distances.

      We will now be more observant on future trips in the hope of finding other dinosaurs – perhaps a Tyrannosaurus Rex to take home as a pet.

    • #60748 Reply
      Marsha Mellow

      An interesting story on the Sarahsaurus here:



    • #60752 Reply
      Rose Gardener

      Is this for real?

    • #60814 Reply

      I think we even heard dino giggles from it!

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