WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – a brief history 1952 to 2022

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      Tony Gazley

      Most club members will know we have a lodge at Mt Ruapehu. Many of you will have stayed there. But the lodge didn’t just materialize in the form it is now—it is the result of a very large number of days of volunteer effort over many years, both in raising funds and organizing, together with the manual labour required on site.

      The lodge sub-committee considered that the sacrifices in time and effort of past members should not be forgotten by users today when they are resting comfortably in the lounge after a day’s skiing, climbing, tramping or other outdoor activity on the mountain. So, we have produced a small on-line booklet, ‘A brief history 1952 to 2022’, and you can click the image below to view a copy. We will have hardcopy versions available free to interested members after the AGM. And we intend to follow this with a more comprehensive coffee-table lodge history book later this year.

      And just btw there are two working parties planned at the lodge before the winter, contact Brian for details. They are not all hard work—a good fun time is all that is compulsory.

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